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Still a little bit tadpole. Metamorphosis alters
nearly everything about a frog, but not its personality.
Credit: Christian Fischer/Wikipedia
Some of our personality traits from childhood stick with
us for the rest of our lives. An early shyness on the playground doesn't always
go away in the boardroom, for example. But what if your entire body changed as
you aged, transforming you into a completely unrecognizable creature? Would you
retain the personality of your youth? A new study in frogs suggests that you
In the past decade, scientists have shown that a broad
range of animals—from dogs to sea anemones—display consistent personalities
throughout their lives. Despite changes in their environment, individuals
maintain their tendencies, such as being more or less active and exploratory,
relative to other individuals of their species. But some researchers have
theorized that animals that undergo metamorphosis should be exceptions. The
full-body transformation, seen in everything from frogs to butterflies,
dramatically alters every aspect of the animal—not only its shape, but also
where it lives and what it needs to do to survive and reproduce. Why, then,
shouldn't metamorphosis also change the animal's personality, so that strengths
in larvae don't become flaws in adults? The relative restlessness that helps a
caterpillar find food better than its peers, for instance, could get the butterfly
into trouble with predators.
Few researchers have attempted to study personality
before and after metamorphosis, says behavioral ecologist Alexander Wilson of
the Leibniz-Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries in Berlin. He
says his new study of frogs, to be published later this month in Behavioral
Ecology, is the first to tackle the question in vertebrates. It was hard,
Wilson says, to find personality tests that would work well for tadpoles and
frogs, which are like two distinct animals. "[They] reach a certain stage
of their life and then, bam! They change into something completely
Wilson caught the study's 75 wild tadpoles in pools on
the edge of a lake near Berlin. He then performed a series of underwater
experiments, first on the tadpoles and then on the frogs they became. In one
experiment, a test of exploratory tendencies, Wilson placed the tadpole or frog
in a new tank and timed how long it took to move for the first time. In another
experiment, a test of activeness, he measured what fraction of a 10-minute
period the animal spent in motion. Afterward, he released the frogs near the
places where he caught the tadpoles.
The data revealed consistencies in most of the
amphibians' tested personality traits. In particular, the tadpoles that were
more active and exploratory turned into frogs that were also more active and
exploratory. Only one test—in which Wilson simulated a predator by squirting
water at the animals -- revealed a personality shift; a tadpole that responded
by freezing in place for a long time was just as likely to become a frog that
resumed normal activities right away.
“This is just really surprising," Wilson says.
"They're completely different as juveniles to what they are as adults …
[but] there are some behaviors that are consistent."
The work may help settle a major debate about the underlying
reason for personality, says behavioral ecologist Michael Taborsky of the
University of Bern, who wasn’t involved in the study. Some scientists have
argued that personality is an adaptation that helps animals to survive. In that
case, it should change with metamorphosis, since the animal's whole world
changes. Others say that personality is just a byproduct of the animal's
physiology, in which case it would be more likely to remain consistent. A high
metabolism, for example, could lead to an active personality, even if it tends
to make an animal more visible to predators. The new study, Taborsky says,
supports the latter idea. Personality may be nothing more than a side effect of
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