By Nicholas Wade, The New York Times, July 26, 2012
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A group of Hadza men |
After decades of
digging, paleoanthropologists looking for fossilized human bones have
established a reasonably clear picture: Modern humans arose in Africa some
200,000 years ago and all archaic species of humans then disappeared, surviving
only outside Africa, as did the Neanderthals in Europe. Geneticists studying
DNA now say that, to the contrary, a previously unknown archaic species of
human, a cousin of the Neanderthals, may have lingered in Africa until perhaps
25,000 years ago, coexisting with the modern humans and on occasion
interbreeding with them.
The geneticists reached this
conclusion, reported on
Thursday in the journal Cell, after decoding the entire genome of three isolated
hunter-gatherer peoples in Africa, hoping to cast light on the origins of
modern human evolution. But the finding is regarded skeptically by some
paleoanthropologists because of the absence in the fossil record of anything
that would support the geneticists’ statistical calculations.
Two of the hunter-gatherers in the study, the Hadza and Sandawe of
Tanzania, speak click languages and carry ancient DNA lineages that trace to
the earliest branchings of the human family tree. The third group is that of
the forest-dwelling pygmies of Cameroon, who also have ancient lineages and
unusual blood types.
The geneticists, led by Joseph Lachance and Sarah A. Tishkoff of the
University of Pennsylvania, decoded the entire genomes of five men from each of
these groups. The costs of whole-genome sequencing have fallen so much that the
technique can now be applied to populations for the first time, said Dr.
Tishkoff, who paid the company Complete Genomics around $10,000 for each of the
15 genomes.
Among the DNA sequences special to pygmies, Dr. Tishkoff and
colleagues found a variant of the usual gene that controls development of the
pituitary gland, the source of the hormones that control reproduction and
growth. This could be the cause of the pygmies’ short stature and early age of
reproduction, the researchers say.
The genomes of the pygmies and the Hadza and Sandawe click-speakers
contained many short stretches of DNA with highly unusual sequences. Through
mutation, the genomes of species that once had a common ancestor grow
increasingly unlike one another. Dr. Tishkoff’s team interprets these divergent
DNA sequences as genetic remnants of an interbreeding with an archaic species
of human. Genetic calculations suggest the interbreeding took place between
20,000 and 80,000 years ago.
From calculations of the amount of divergence in the DNA, the
geneticists estimate that the archaic species split from the ancestors of
modern humans about 1.2 million years ago, about the same time as did the
ancestors of the Neanderthals, who dominated Europe during the end of the last
ice age.
But the archaic species has a different DNA sequence from that of
Neanderthals, whose genome has been reconstructed from DNA surviving in ancient
bones, and so may be a sister species, the geneticists say.
Inquiries into human origins are on strong ground when genetic data
and fossil evidence point in the same direction, but at present geneticists and
paleoanthropologists have somewhat different stories to tell. All human fossil
remains in Africa for the last 100,000 years, and probably the last 200,000
years, are of modern humans, providing no support for a coexistent archaic
species. Another team of geneticists reported in 2010 the finding that
Neanderthals had interbred 100,000 years ago with Europeans and Asians, but not
Africans. This, too, conflicted with the fossil evidence in implying that
modern humans left Africa 100,000 years ago, some 55,000 years before the
earliest known fossil evidence of this exodus.
In a report still under review, a third group of geneticists says
there are signs of Neanderthals having interbred with Asians and East Africans.
But Neanderthals were a cold-adapted species that never reached East Africa.
These three claims
of interbreeding have opened up a serious discordance between geneticists and
paleoanthropologists. For digesting the geneticists’ claims, “sup with a long
spoon,” advised Bernard Wood, a paleoanthropologist at George Washington
Richard Klein, a paleoanthropologist at Stanford University, said the
new claim of archaic and modern human interbreeding “is a further example of
the tendency for geneticists to ignore fossil and archaeological evidence,
perhaps because they think it can always be molded to fit the genetics after
the fact.”
Dr. Klein said the claims of interbreeding could be “a methodological
artifact” in the statistical assumptions on which the geneticists’ calculations
are based. The flaw may come to light when enough inconsistent claims are
published. “Meanwhile, I think it’s important to regard such claims skeptically
when they are so clearly at odds with the fossil and archaeological records,”
he said.
Dr. Tishkoff said that she agreed on the need for caution in making
statistical inferences, and that there are other events besides interbreeding,
like a piece of DNA getting flipped around the wrong way, that can make a
single DNA sequence look ancient. “But when you see it at a genomewide level,
it’s harder to explain away,” she said.
A co-author, Joshua M. Akey of the University of Washington in
Seattle, said he was “reasonably confident that what we are seeing in Africa
does represent archaic introgression.” The archaic sequences make up only 2.5
percent of the genomes of the living hunter-gatherers, and there is no evidence
that they are being favored by natural selection. They may, therefore, have no
effect on a person’s physical form, which could explain why the fossils show
little sign of them, Dr. Akey said.
Although all known African fossils are of modern humans, a
13,000-year-old skull from the Iwo Eleru site in Nigeria has certain primitive
features. “This might have indicated interbreeding with archaics,” said Chris Stringer, a paleoanthropologist at the
Natural History Museum in London. “For half of Africa we really have no fossil
record to speak of, so I think it’s quite likely there were surviving archaic
forms living alongside modern humans.”
like Dr. Klein consider it “irresponsible” of the geneticists to publish
genetic findings about human origins without even trying to show how they may
fit in with the existing fossil and archaeological evidence. Dr. Akey said he
agreed that genetics can provide only part of the story. “But hopefully this is
just a period when new discoveries are being made and there hasn’t been enough
incubation time to synthesize all the disparities,” he said.
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