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Paleoanthropologist Chris Stringer |
By John Noble Wilford, The New York Times, July 17, 2012
Who are we, and
where did we come from? Scientists studying the origin of modern humans, Homo
sapiens, keep reaching deeper in time to answer those questions — toward the
last common ancestor of great apes and humans, then forward to the emergence of
people more and more like us in body and behavior.
Their research is
advancing on three fronts. Fossils of skulls and bones expose anatomical
changes. Genetics reveals the timing and place of the Eve of modern humans.
And archaeology
turns up ancient artifacts reflecting abstract and creative thought, and a
growing self-awareness. Just last month, researchers made the startling
announcement that Stone Age paintings in Spanish caves were much older than
previously thought, from a time when Neanderthals were still alive.
To help make sense
of this cascade of new information, a leading authority on modern human
evolution — the British paleoanthropologist Chris Stringer — recently sat for
an interview in New York that ranged across many recent developments: the
evidence of interbreeding between Neanderthals and Homo sapiens; the puzzling
extinct species of little people nicknamed the hobbits; and the implications of
a girl’s 40,000-year-old pinkie finger found in a Siberian cave.
Dr. Stringer, an
animated man of 64, is an anthropologist at the Natural History Museum in
London and a fellow of the Royal Society. But he belies the image of a don: He
showed up for our interview wearing a T-shirt and jeans, looking as if he had
just come in from the field.
A condensed and
edited version of our conversation follows. In it and in a new book, he
describes a new wrinkle to the hypothesis of a recent African origin of modern
Homo sapiens. His ideas may light up more debate in a contentious science.
First of all,
would you explain the title of your new book?
Yes, the title is “Lone Survivors: How We Came to Be the Only Humans on
Earth.” And this comes from the fact that if we went back 100,000
years, which is very recent, geologically speaking, there might have been as
many as six different kinds of humans on the earth. All those other kinds have
disappeared, and left us as the sole survivors.
You wrote that
in 1970, when you started doing research in this field, the origin of modern
humans was hardly recognized as a topic worthy of study in science. What has
changed since then?
It’s been a
fantastic time to be involved in the field, and even when I was writing this
book in the last two years, I had to regularly go back and rewrite things I
thought I’d finished with, because new developments were coming up all the
time. In 1970, for some people, there was no single origin of modern humans: We
evolved globally, all over the world. There was a view that in the different
regions an earlier species, Homo erectus, evolved relatively seamlessly to
modern humans. This idea was known as multiregionalism.
The argument went
that we remained one species throughout that evolutionary process, because
there was interbreeding among the different populations. It meant that the
Neanderthals in Europe, for example, would be the ancestors of modern
Europeans; Homo erectus in China would be the ancestor of modern Asians. And
Java Man would be a distant ancestor of modern Australian aboriginal populations.
What we have seen
since then is a growth in the fossil record, in our ability to date that record
and to CT-scan fossils and get minute details out of them. DNA studies have had
a huge impact on our field. We now have the genomes of Neanderthals and of
these strange people in Siberia called the Denisovans.
Speaking of DNA,
what about the African Eve? This established an approximate date for the
genetic origin of modern humans, in Africa. As a leading advocate of the recent
African origin, in contrast to the multiregional model, did you believe this
settled the debate?
To be honest, it’s
not been totally resolved, but the Mitochondrial Eve publication of 1987 was a
key moment. Up to then, a few of us were arguing for a recent African origin
from the fossil and archaeological evidence. But the evidence was pretty
skimpy, and the majority opinion was against our view.
When this new
genetic technique appeared, it seemed to give clarity to the picture. Here was
an independent bit of data, from our mitochondrial DNA, inherited through
females, suggesting we originated, all of us, all over the world, from a single
ancestral population that lived in Africa maybe 200,000 years ago.
I came to this
conclusion gradually, starting with the Neanderthals. They were the best-known
ancient humans, and there was a view that they were our ancestors. I tested
that model in my Ph.D. research, and I concluded the Neanderthals did not make
good ancestors of modern humans, even in Europe, where we had the best data. So
gradually my search moved from one region to another, to see where the evidence
best fitted the idea of our origins.
It turned out that
Africa was the place that had the oldest fossils of modern humans. Africa, for
me, was the only place that showed a transition from archaic to modern humans.
In your book you
propose that there was not one place in Africa where modern humans originated.
Earlier, influenced
by the mitochondrial DNA data, I felt there was one place in Africa, a sort of
garden of Eden, where we evolved, where we changed behaviorally and physically
to become modern humans.
But the story is
much more complicated. Even the DNA data show that essentially each of our
genes has a separate evolutionary history. And so, when you look at the total
picture, including the fossil data and archaeological data, there is no single
spot in Africa that seems to be the place for our origins genetically.
The story is
dominated by East Africa, because that’s the area that has the best
preservation of the fossil record. You could say southern Africa is giving
scientists the best record of behavioral evolution. They are finding evidence
pretty early of processing marine resources, the use of red ocher for symbolic
purposes, self-adornment with shell beads.
In my view,
different parts of Africa were important at different times, to distinct human
species, and this was being controlled by the climate. Africa is a huge place
influenced by many different factors: the Mediterranean, the North Atlantic,
the South Atlantic, the Southern Ocean, the monsoons coming off the Indian
Ocean. At different times this would have produced good areas for humans and
bad areas.
Populations in
different areas would have flourished briefly, developed new ideas, and then
maybe those populations could have died out, even — but not before exchanging
genes, tools and behavioral strategies. This kept happening until we get to
within the last 100,000 years, and then finally we start to see the modern
pattern behaviorally and physically coalescing from these different regions to
become what we call modern humans by about 60,000 years ago.
Previously, the
splendid cave art of Europe influenced the view that modern behavior began
there some 40,000 years ago. How firm is the new interpretation that Homo
sapiens developed modern behavior as well as modern anatomy in Africa?
There were
remarkable things happening in Europe at least 40,000 years ago, with the
painted caves, with flutes, with the statuettes and so on. But the seeds of
that revolution were sown in Africa more than 100,000 years ago. I would argue
that when modern humans came out of Africa, say 60,000 years ago, fundamentally
they were behaviorally modern. They took that into Europe. They took that into
Asia and into Australia. So there was no single revolutionary event in Europe;
this was something that was in modern humans when they came out of Africa, and
the ones who stayed behind as well.
How does the
discovery in Indonesia, on the island of Flores, fit in with current thinking
about human migrations and lineage? Are the so-called hobbits really members of
our genus Homo?
The hobbit, Homo floresiensis, is a really challenging
find for everyone. There’s still a minority of scientists who don’t accept that
it is a distinct human species; it’s some kind of a weird, maybe diseased form
of modern human. But I think it is a genuine distinct form, and actually a very
primitive form.
It’s either derived
from a very primitive form of Homo erectus, maybe similar to the ones at
Dmanisi in the Republic of Georgia, or it’s evidence of an earlier Africa exit,
maybe before two million years ago, by something that’s pre-erectus that
somehow got all the way over to the Far East and survived there in isolation,
evolving for more than a million years. It’s an extraordinary story, if that’s
true. And again, further evidence of how little we know about much of Asia in
terms of this story.
The more you
learn, the more fascinating the subject becomes.
Absolutely, and
that’s how I found it right through my career.
In your earlier
career, you concentrated on Neanderthals. Do you now accept the new evidence of
Neanderthal-Homo sapiens interbreeding, which seems to establish that we are
more than 2 percent Neanderthal?
This is one of the
remarkable bits of news of the last couple of years. We’ve had the genomes of
Neanderthals reconstructed, and yes, indeed, it shows that people outside of
Africa have, on average, about 2.5 percent of an input of Neanderthal DNA in
them. And, of course, it’s led to a rethinking of our relationship with them;
clearly there was viable interbreeding.
We don’t know the
circumstances. Maybe a parsimonious view is that there was a single
interbreeding period when modern humans came out of Africa. They met some
Neanderthals in the Middle East. There was some interbreeding, under
circumstances we don’t know yet, and that input of Neanderthal DNA was then
transferred as those populations spread to Europe and to China, down to New
Guinea, into the Americas; they took that bit of Neanderthal with them.
have found evidence that Neanderthals and Homo sapiens occupied the same caves
in Israel. Could this have been an interbreeding contact?
Western Asia
becomes a critical area for this possibility of interbreeding. It could have
been 25 Neanderthals mixing with 1,000 modern humans. It doesn’t have to be a
lot of Neanderthals, but clearly there might have been interbreeding somewhere
like Israel or Lebanon or Syria — all possible places where we know
Neanderthals lived, and at times modern humans also lived.
There’s also a view
that the interbreeding was more widespread, but that either cultural or
physiological factors limited the successful births. For example, we know that
the pelvic shape of Neanderthal females is different from the pelvic shape of
modern human females. If a modern human female was giving birth to a hybrid
baby, part Neanderthal, could there have been obstetric problems? We don’t know
the circumstances of these encounters: if it was a peaceful mixing and merging
of these people, or if the circumstances were violent.
Just who were
the Denisovans?
It’s an
extraordinary discovery. Two or three years ago I vaguely knew there was an
archaeological site in Siberia called Denisova Cave. And then a few teeth, a
finger bone have produced a really high-quality genome now that’s posted on the
Web site of the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Biology
in Leipzig, Germany. The preservation of the DNA is exceptional, and well
beyond anything we have from Neanderthals. It seems these Denisovans were
related to the Neanderthals, an early branch off the Neanderthal line.
We know a lot about
the Denisovans genetically, but physically we know very little about them.
These fossils are so fragmentary. The even more remarkable thing is they are
only known from one site in Siberia, and their DNA turns up in people only in
really one region today — not in Siberia, or Asia, but down in Australia and
New Guinea. That’s extraordinary.
This is difficult
to explain, because we thought that the ancestors of the Australian Aborigines
and New Guineans must have got to their regions through southern Asia.
Somewhere in Southeast Asia is the most likely place they would have had
interbreeding with the Denisovans. That also implies the Denisovans were not
just in Siberia; they must have been a widespread group.
This raises one
more question: Could we ever clone these extinct people?
Science is moving
on so fast. The first bit of Neanderthal mitochondrial DNA was recovered in
1997. No one then could have believed that 10 years later we might have most of
the genome. And a few years after that, we’d have whole Denisovan and
Neanderthal genomes available. So no one would have thought cloning was a
possibility. Now, at least theoretically, if someone had enough money, and I’d
say stupidity, to do it, you could cut and paste those Denisovan mutations into
a modern human genome, and then implant that into an egg and then grow a
I think it would be
completely unethical to do anything like that, but unfortunately someone with
enough money, and vanity and arrogance, might attempt it one day. These
creatures lived in the past in their own environments, in their own social
groups. Bringing isolated individuals back, for our own curiosity or arrogant
purposes, would be completely wrong.
In the
introduction to your book, you list the kinds of questions you’re always
getting from people. One of them will be the closing question: What is the
future of human evolution?
That’s a tough one
to answer. There’s a lot of data, not my research, but mainly geneticists have
been working on this, and they’ve showed just how many genetic changes there
have been in the last few thousand years in the human genome. And this is
because we’ve undergone great changes with urbanization, with agriculture, very
big changes in lifestyles. And this has influenced our genetic makeup as much
as living in the Paleolithic had done. We’ve seen, if anything, an acceleration
of genetic changes in humans due to these lifestyle changes. So, I think human
evolution has been going on quite rapidly recently, and it’s going to carry on.
Not everyone
agrees. My colleague in London, Steve Jones, has argued essentially that
evolution has stopped in humans because we are in control of it. We have
medical care. Nearly everyone reaches reproductive age. Everyone has enough
food and water. So natural selection has been nullified in humans. I disagree
with him because, of course, there are still a lot of people in the world who
don’t have the best medical care, who don’t have enough food and water. Think
of the impact of AIDS in Africa.
selection is still operating on many human populations just as much as it ever
has done, really. Also, all of us probably have 50 mutations in our DNA
compared with our parents. So that’s going on every generation as well. We are
still evolving. We will continue to evolve.
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