It's been said that if
you can locate a food source then you can locate birds. Wild turkeys
are opportunistic foragers. They spend a good portion of their day
scratching in leaf litter, chasing bugs and milling for seeds. See their
food habits outlined below. Poults: In the first few weeks and during their
first summer, broods spend nearly 90 percent of their waking hours
feeding. Poults grow at rapid rates and require a steady intake of
nutritious food, mainly consisting of small insects (beetles,
grasshoppers, leafhoppers) which are generally better sources of protein
and energy than plant materials. As poults grow, they use more habitat
types and food sources.
Juveniles and adults: Both animal and plant matter are
consumed by older turkeys. Frequent food sources include soft mass (such
as fruits, including blackberries, cherries, huckleberries and
grapes), hard mass (such as acorns, beachnuts and hickory nuts), as well
as grasses, sedges, wheat and chufa. Animal foods consist of larvae,
grasshoppers and beetles.
They Walk
Wild turkeys generally move a mile or two in one day depending on
habitat and distance to food and water sources. The annual home range of
wild turkeys varies from 370 to 1,360 acres and contains a mixture of
trees and grass cover. Deep snow in the north and dry conditions in the
west limit access to food and water and also set limits to the wild
turkey's distribution across the United States.
They Talk
Just like humans, turkeys talk to communicate. Their vocabulary
consists of 28 distinct calls. Each sound has a general meaning and can
be used for different situations. Male turkeys are notorious for their
iconic gobble, which unlike other calls, is given with a fixed
intensity. Listen to all the sounds made by the wild turkey on our Wild Turkey Sounds page.
They Roost
Roosting in trees in an important element in the life of a wild
turkey. It is a life-saving technique because roosting in trees helps
birds avoid ground predators. Poults begin roosting from about 14-28
days old, depending on the sub-species, location and temperature.
Turkeys may use traditional roost sites night after night but they
generally use different sites and move from tree to tree. Turkeys
usually select the largest trees available and roost as high in them as
they can comfortably perch. In fair weather, hardwood trees are favored,
while hemlocks offer good protection from harsh elements.
They Fight for Dominance and Mate
During the fall and winter seasons, it's common for turkeys to be in
the good company of their equals. You'll see groups of jakes, old and
young hens and mature gobblers all sectioned out. The different flocks
allow the birds to more easily determine dominance. In the spring,
mating rituals begin. Learn more about the pecking order and breeding
cycles on our Wild Turkey Lifestyle and Breeding page.
They Dust, Sun and Preen
Wild turkeys dust, sun and preen from a young age, about 2-4 days
old. Dusting is usually a flock activity. A dust bath is part of a
bird's preening and plumage maintenance that keeps feathers in top
condition. Turkeys will flap frantically in the dirt to spread dust over
their entire body. Doing so keeps feathers from becoming greasy or
matted. Sunning and preening often follow a dust bath as part of their
extensive grooming regimen. Sunning birds recline on one side and extend
the upward wing and leg to expose a large surface area to direct
sunlight. Birds sun for several reasons: to obtain heat as a way of
regulating their body temperature, maintain feather health, dislodge
feather parasites and for relaxation. Preening is a common bird behavior
to keep feathers in good shape. Birds preen to remove dust, dirt and
parasites from their feathers. They also align each feather in the
optimum position relative to adjacent feathers and body shape.
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