Thursday, March 30, 2017

2587. March for Climate, Justice and Jobs on April 29, 2017

By Peoples Climate Movement, March 29, 2017
People's Climate March in New York City, September 21, 2014.

WASHINGTON - A month before a massive crowd hits the streets of Washington, DC to resist the Trump administration’s continued attacks on workers, families, communities and the planet, the Peoples Climate Movement March for Climate, Jobs and Justice released additional information about the March route.

On Saturday, April 29, the March will begin near the United States Capitol, march to and surround the White House for a collective action and then meet at the Washington Monument to share solutions amid an afternoon of art and music.

“The Trump administration continues to push an agenda that endangers our jobs, our health and our planet,” said Paul Getsos, National Coordinator, Peoples Climate Movement. “Just yesterday, the President continued to dismantle the progress of the last Administration made on combating climate change under the guise of creating jobs. He is wrong. The path to creating good paying jobs is by rapidly investing in clean and renewable energy infrastructure. This will protect the climate and provide family sustaining jobs.  That is why we need every person who cares about jobs and the planet to march in Washington, DC on April 29.”

The plan for April 29 include:
  • Morning press conference featuring coalition leaders and other notables
  • March begins near the Capitol
  • Participants surround the White House for a collective action to show their strength
  • March ends at the Washington Monument grounds for opportunities to connect, partake in art and music and hear from people around the country
“On April 29th, people around the country will show this administration and Congress that our families, our communities and our planet cannot be sacrificed so that the richest 1 percent can continue to make a profit.”

The Peoples Climate Movement’s March for Climate, Jobs and Justice is being led by a groundbreaking coalition of climate and environmental justice groups, labor unions, faith, students, indigenous peoples and civil rights groups working to build bold solutions to tackle the climate crisis, rooted in economic and racial justice.  

For more details regarding the April  29th March for Climate, Jobs and Justice, visit

Sharon Singh, ; 202.499.9565; @spksingh

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